Ron Paul: A 2012 Revolution

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1 Response to Ron Paul: A 2012 Revolution

  1. In 2008, Ron Paul’s presidential campaign sent shock waves through the political establishment and sparked a revolution of ideas. Dr. Paul is currently on the fence about whether to run or not in 2012. Please rate, comment and favorite this video to show that we support Ron Paul for president in 2012. Revolutions do not occur overnight, but having Ron Paul back on the national stage will continue to spread his message of freedom, limited government and an end to the Federal Reserve system. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC poll and the 2011 Iowa straw poll making him a frontrunner for the Republican nomination in 2012. However, the media is ignoring these facts and supporting establishment neo-cons like Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Sarah Palin. Make your voice heard and support Dr. Paul in 2012.

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